Reaffirming the importance of anchor institutions: CUMU members respond to COVID-19.

Our Black students, colleagues, friends, and communities are being disproportionately impacted by the health and economic implications of COVID-19, while facing the harsh reality of racial discrimination ingrained in nearly all aspects of U.S. society. The thirteen elected presidents and chancellors who serve as CUMU’s governing body believe it’s our responsibility to come together now to speak directly to our membership on how we, as a unified coalition, can move forward in addressing these issues.
The Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU) is the longest-running and largest organization committed to serving and connecting the world’s urban and metropolitan universities and their partners. CUMU focuses on strengthening institutions that are developing new responses to the pressing educational, economic, and social issues of the day.
Vol. 31 No. 2 (2023)
All In: The Urban Mission, Philadelphia Conference Issue
The latest issue of Metropolitan Universities journal, 31.2, features a dynamic range of work that detail innovative community engagement practices, entrepreneurship in urban environments, supports for underrepresented first-generation students and collaborative anchor partnerships. The topics discussed are as important and relevant as ever during this challenging moment in our history.
Guest Editors: Nyeema Watson, Jennifer Johnson Kebea
This annual award honors a bold, mid-career scholar-administrator whose leadership and intellectual voice illuminates the transformative power of urban and metropolitan higher education in the lives of individuals and communities.